This Checklist is designed to identify different aspects of development in infants and toddlers. Many behaviors that develop before children talk may indicate whether or not a child will have difficulty learning to talk. This Checklist should be completed by a caregiver when the child is between 6 and 24 months of age to determine whether a referral for an evaluation is needed. You may complete this screener if your child is 24-26 months old and not using words to communicate. The caregiver may be either a parent or another person who nurtures the child daily. If you are not sure, please choose the closest response based on your experience. Children at your child's age are not necessarily expected to use all the behaviors listed.
Please submit if you are local to the Jacksonville, Florida area and available to receive services if needed
Amy M. Wetherby & Barry M. Prizant 2002 by Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., Inc. All rights reserved.